Las Danzas de Lagarto (Only in Spanish)

Le tocaba al lagarto trazar el camino con su danza. Lo hacia represantando al lagarto. Golpeaba la materia con sus pasos limando los cantos , ablandando la forma. Su movimiento era el fluir intermedio; su tiempo flexible. Maestro de la curva y la trascendencia. A veces arbol, a veces muro. Trenzaba esencias mezclando los opuestos, relativizandolos. Burlabase del filo divisor, ofreciendole pedazos por el placer de la regeneracion. Solo se repetia para identificarse. Solo era rojo para seducir.

Dances of the Lizard

It was the lizard’s duty to trace the way by his dance. He did it representing the lizard. He beat the matter with his steps smoothing the pebles, softening the form. His movement was the intermediate flowing; his time flexible. Master of the curve and of transcendence. Sometimes tree, sometimes wall. He braided essences mixing opposites, moderating them. He mocked at the dividing edge, offering it pieces for the pleasure of regeneration. He repeated himself only to identify himself. He was red only to seduce.